Socio-economic impacts of artificial intelligence

Oct 31 2017

Artificial Intelligence: can it really bring socio-economic impacts?

AI is already being used to address the challenges of an ageing population and detecting breast cancer in the US. Mammograms play a crucial role in detecting breast cancer but they also throw up false positives, such as lesions that appear suspicious. Once operated on, many such lesions turn out to be benign. With so much uncertainty in data, machine learning is the tool we need to improve detection and prevent over-treatment. In the US alone, 40,000 women dies from breast cancer every year, but when cancers are found early enough, they can often be cured. 


  • Machine learning is a vital tool to overcome uncertainty in data from diagnostic tools for breast cancer. 


  • Socio-economic: reducing healthcare costs, improving patient outcomes

Of interest to:

  • Citizens, medical professionals, decision-makers in hospital and care facilities, governments.

Read more in this BBC article (17 October 2017):

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5 comments on "Socio-economic impacts of artificial intelligence"

  • Stephanie Parker's picture
    Stephanie Helen Parker

    In Europe, innovators in AI can benefit from a pool of €30 billion as part of the Horizon 2020 programme, where ICT-26-2018-2020 will fund the best proposals with the most promisisng breakthrough innovations. 

    What's the challenge? fully exploiting the potential of AI in the economy and society by making AI technologies and resources available to developers and innovators in all sectors and actively engage with a wide user community, including non-AI experts.

    Research and innovation activities should strengthenindustrial competitiveness across all sectors including for SMEs and non-tech industries and help address societal challenges like ageing,  while clearly demonostrating the need for an EU, collaborative approach in a highly competitive field.

    answered 28 Nov 2017 18:09