Matevz Baskovc

Matevz Baskovc's picture
Real name: 

Main profile

Professional title: 
Organisation name: 
ETOS Solutions d.o.o.
Organisation type: 
Small and Medium Enterprise
Early Adopters Selection Criteria: 
Hi-tech Start-ups & SMEs
Which of the following NGI values are you championing?: 
Interoperability and standardisation. Interoperability testing. Key enabling technologies: 5G, IoT, cloud, big data, cyber security
New applications and services across industry verticals and public sector. Socio-economic impacts

Early Adopters

Short Description: 

ETOS Solutions is providing answers to the challenges of digitalizing buildings and complex infrastructures – and to the transformation of building management and the world of energy. Our solutions are turning these challenges into new opportunities and business models. We develop digital interfaces and through system integration create tailored, problem-fit Smart Buildings & Smart Facility Solutions for future Smart Cities through data interoperability, standardisation and usage of new technology (IoT, blockchain, 5G, cloud and big data).

NGI solution(s) used by your organisation: 

No NGI solutions have been used yet, but we would be happy to use them and also provide smart data exchange of useful data. Our data is mostly concentrated around buildings, people that work with or live in buildings and IoT devices.




Member for
5 years 9 months