Fredi Nonyelu

Fredi Nonyelu's picture
Real name: 

Main profile

Professional title: 
CEO/Managing Director/Chief Executive
Organisation name: 
Briteyellow Ltd
Organisation type: 
Small and Medium Enterprise
United Kingdom
Early Adopters Selection Criteria: 
Hi-tech Start-ups & SMEs
Which of the following NGI values are you championing?: 
New applications and services across industry verticals and public sector. Socio-economic impacts

Early Adopters

Short Description: 

We map indoor places such as stations, airports, and shopping malls to create digital twins, embedded with real world location, that helps operators bring greater commercial insight to decision making and asset management.

NGI solution(s) used by your organisation: 

Low Power Wide Area Networks
Internet of Things
Digital Twins
Mixed Reality




Member for
5 years 7 months