Massimo Villari

Massimo Villari's picture
Real name: 

Main profile

Professional title: 
Organisation name: 
Alma DIgit S.R.L
Organisation type: 
Small and Medium Enterprise
Early Adopters Selection Criteria: 
Innovation platforms & IT clusters
Hi-tech Start-ups & SMEs
Which of the following NGI values are you championing?: 
Control over personal data. Value extraction from protected personal data
Security-by-design approaches. Trust models. Cyber security best practices

Early Adopters

Short Description: 

Alma Digit s.r.l. is a spin-off of the University of Messina (Italy) that aims to transfer the technological innovation from the academic context to the industrial one. It offers consulting services to small and medium-sized public and private enterprises with the objective to design and develop highly innovative ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solutions. In particular, Alma Digit s.r.l. provides design and implementation of scalable Cloud-based products tailored to the specific customer needs, with great attention to security and privacy issues.




Member for
5 years 11 months