Chris Dawe

Chris Dawe's picture
Real name: 

Main profile

Professional title: 
CEO/Managing Director/Chief Executive
Organisation name: 
Organisation type: 
IT Consultancy/Development
Early Adopters Selection Criteria: 
Innovation platforms & IT clusters
IT and Network Operators, Service Providers
Hi-tech Start-ups & SMEs
Civil Society, NGOs, Citizens
Which of the following NGI values are you championing?: 
Human-centric. Citizen co-design. Participatory. Communities using environmentally-friendly and sustainable resources, e.g. energy
Interoperability and standardisation. Interoperability testing. Key enabling technologies: 5G, IoT, cloud, big data, cyber security
New applications and services across industry verticals and public sector. Socio-economic impacts
Innovations for creativity, culture, education and research
Clusters and hubs on NGI-related technologies. Small business opportunities. Research spinouts

Early Adopters

Short Description: 

Effect.AI is a Decentralised Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning development service provider. Effect.AI's first product, Effect Force, brings a global Decentralised workforce on-demand to annotate large quantities of data for any organisation to great high quality training data for their ML models. The second phase of the Effect.AI project will see a decentralised marketplace for AI algorithms and related services. Effcet.AI is currently working with the UNDP in Tbilisi Georgia to help bring 1000's of online jobs to the county using their product Effect Force.




Member for
5 years 8 months