The NGI open consultation is active on multiple themes, organised in Discussion Channels. Readers, contributors and experts can be engaged in various ways: By publishing new posts, commenting on existing posts, or by simply leaving a ‘like’. The Channels are by their nature dynamic and here below the most active ones are visualised. Go to the Channels Section to see them all.
The internet plays an increasing role in our daily lives, for work, education and leisure. The next generation internet will be even more pervasive but it should also become a more human internet.
The European next generation internet initiative is about taking a fresh look, with a broad perspective.
This perspective covers the networks and technologies powering the network and computing, the services and applications delivering user value, all the socio-economic innovation it enables and also the policies governing its use and evolution.
This is the space for an open and broad conversation with those people who are drivers of this next generation internet.
This dynamic and continuous process is supported by a European Champions Panel representing different stakeholders and sharing their views on NGI challenges and opportunities.
But it doesn’t stop here. The platform is complemented by an incremental Knowledge Base featuring quality content from multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary contributions to reflect Europe’s inclusive approach to the next generation internet.
Latest comments
We previously mentioned this work on blockchain. ETSI Industry Specification Group on Permissioned Distributed Ledgers (ETSI ISG PDL; set up in December 2018) lays the foundations for operating permissioned distributed ledgers and deployment across industry and governmental institutions. The group...
Posted by Stephanie Parker - 28/05/2019 - 12:33 in Blockchain through the lens of a researcher & Civil Society
Good shot, Sam. To me, it seems there is still a huge gap between the declaration of values, the level of intent, and the practical work I see around, which all too often centers on issues like identity management, data vaults, and standards. Somewhere in between we must develop new ideas of what...
Posted by Joop Ringelberg - 26/04/2019 - 18:19 in Game of Nodes: The Rise of the Regional Internet Blocs (Help us start the conversation) Hope this helps Christian
Posted by Christian de La... - 16/04/2019 - 16:57 in Internet Society Global Internet Report 2019
Latest discussions
Hi All, we've been investigating blockchain from several perspectives, such as identity and privacy, as well as civil society. Here, we look at the future trajectory of blockchain with insights from research and standards. Then we zoom in on work by civil society stakeholders.
Posted by Stephanie Parker - 28/05/2019 - 12:13
Hi All, I thought it might be interesting to zoom in on what AI means for 5G networks and the challenges that need tackling to realise the benefits, other challenges and on-going work on standardisation. Inspiration for this post comes from Yue Wang, Samsung UK.
Posted by Stephanie Parker - 28/05/2019 - 11:56
In 2016, Joshua Cooper Ramo hypothesized the shift from one global Internet to a system of regional Internet blocs, each with distinct characteristics and values, in his book The Seventh Sense (https://ww
Posted by Sam Butler - 18/03/2019 - 23:30