Antonio Santos

Antonio Santos's picture
Real name: 

Main profile

Professional title: 
Organisation name: 
Organisation type: 
IT Consultancy/Development
Ireland {Republic}
Early Adopters Selection Criteria: 
Multidisciplinary NGI researchers in ICT, social sciences & humanities
Innovation platforms & IT clusters
Hi-tech Start-ups & SMEs
Internet Policy Experts and Activists
GIPO (Global Internet Policy Observatory) community
Civil Society, NGOs, Citizens
Policy makers, Funding Agencies including EU & national digital agencies – energy, finance
Which of the following NGI values are you championing?: 
Human-centric. Citizen co-design. Participatory. Communities using environmentally-friendly and sustainable resources, e.g. energy
Control over personal data. Value extraction from protected personal data
Privacy-by-design approaches. Privacy-aware tools
Security-by-design approaches. Trust models. Cyber security best practices
Interoperability and standardisation. Interoperability testing. Key enabling technologies: 5G, IoT, cloud, big data, cyber security
New applications and services across industry verticals and public sector. Socio-economic impacts
Innovations for creativity, culture, education and research
Clusters and hubs on NGI-related technologies. Small business opportunities. Research spinouts
Women innovators in the NGI space

Early Adopters

Short Description: 

My current work is focused on helping Graduates Interns and Apprentices to be themselves at work, teach them about digital skills while exploring existing internal communities to improve their connection within the organisation to explore new opportunities to maximise their full potential.
Accessibility, Diversity and (Digital) Inclusion are three important pillars for our organizations and since 2014 that I organise #axschat, the largest regular twitter chat on twitter on this topic. Our goal with #axschat is to create open conversations and break down the silos. Over the last 5 years, we have interviewed around 200 people on these subjects and generated approximately 4,5 billion impressions on Twitter.

NGI solution(s) used by your organisation: 

We actively work on initiatives that foster an inclusive web for everyone. People with disabilities are often forgotten when we talk about technology and policies and we want to prevent that from happening.




Member for
5 years 7 months