Honorata Hafke-Dys

Honorata Hafke-Dys's picture
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Main profile

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Organisation type: 
Small and Medium Enterprise
Early Adopters Selection Criteria: 
Hi-tech Start-ups & SMEs
Which of the following NGI values are you championing?: 
Human-centric. Citizen co-design. Participatory. Communities using environmentally-friendly and sustainable resources, e.g. energy
Innovations for creativity, culture, education and research
Women innovators in the NGI space

Early Adopters

Short Description: 

Cough, a runny nose, a fever… Are you worried about the health of someone in your family? Should you go to the GP? Maybe it is enough to call the doctor? But how is the physician going to remotely check your lungs and heart?
We have the solution! StethoMe® makes the lungs and heart sound analysis objective and precise. Just take the StethoMe® - the wireless stethoscope working together with a smartphone app. It enables the auscultation of a patient’s lungs and heart. The recorded sounds are sent to the StethoMe®AI where they are analyzed by AI algorithms. Patients receive instant information about registered abnormalities and doctors receive detailed results of examination with AI predictions. It decreases inaccuracy, reduces the number of unnecessary visits, saves money and time.




Member for
5 years 5 months