Joop Ringelberg

Joop Ringelberg's picture
Real name: 

Main profile

Professional title: 
IT Specialist/IT Architect
Organisation name: 
Perspect IT
Organisation type: 
Small and Medium Enterprise
Early Adopters Selection Criteria: 
Multidisciplinary NGI researchers in ICT, social sciences & humanities
Innovation platforms & IT clusters
Hi-tech Start-ups & SMEs
Which of the following NGI values are you championing?: 
Human-centric. Citizen co-design. Participatory. Communities using environmentally-friendly and sustainable resources, e.g. energy
Control over personal data. Value extraction from protected personal data
Privacy-by-design approaches. Privacy-aware tools
New applications and services across industry verticals and public sector. Socio-economic impacts

Early Adopters

Short Description: 

Perspect IT is a company of two. We are motivated by the threat posed to our society by the big internet companies. We focus on the way the internet is constructed by professionals. Their conceptual framework, as it presents itself in modelling tools, programming languages, frameworks, etc. inevitably leads to the internet we have today and keep it as it is. The dominant modelling language (UML) for creating software does not even address the very notion of privacy!

We provide them with a new narrative, new tools and a new way of thinking.

NGI solution(s) used by your organisation: 

Perspectives is a new method to design co-operation. It's models have a mathematical base and are automatically interpreted by a distributed runtime to form operational software, that supports the modelled co-operation. Design peer-to-peer software, private by design, human- and community centred, by using just five concepts: Context, Role, Action, Property and Perspective. 


As the runtime is completely distributed, it goes beyond Blockchain. Perspectives provides a new narrative for developers of the internet.




Member for
5 years 5 months